After your BBL surgical procedure, the recovery process begins. During your recovery process, you’ll find that some of your daily routine needs to change. After you’re discharged from the clinic or hospital, you’ll need to have somebody on hand to drive you home. If you live by yourself, it’s highly recommended you have somebody stay with you during the first week. You’ll be on prescription pain medications and will be unable to drive.
For the first 3 to 4 weeks after your BBL, you won’t be able to sit on your buttocks. Placing too much pressure on your buttocks can result in a loss of volume because the fat cells will die quicker. To assist during these few weeks, there are special cushions available that are designed for people who’ve had a BBL. You’ll also need to sleep on your side or stomach until your buttocks have completely healed.

After your BBL surgery, you’ll also need to wear compression garments for up to a month after surgery. Compression garments will help the areas that have had liposuction regain their shape. They also encourage healing of these areas at a faster rate. While some Plastic Surgeons supply these, you can also purchase them online at the Plastic Surgery Shop, Bodyment or Precise Medical Supplies. It’s important to note that your buttocks may be swollen for several weeks after BBL surgery.
The average recovery time for BBL is about 4 weeks with most patients are cleared to go back to work 1 to 2 weeks after surgery. At the follow up appointments with your Plastic Surgeon, they’ll advise what activities you can undertake. They may also suggest you undertake a course of lymphatic massage sessions to aid the recovery process.